Lucky for me my Muse Lorelei alerted me to Linda McPhee's workshop on Sunday. Linda was making Hallowe'en costumes for kids. She demonstrated how to make some super simple patterns. My whole doll making life was changed. What a breeze to make pants and tops now.
Not only that but she had a dollmaker on too. Or more properly a doll decorator. She buys ready made muslin bendable dolls, dresses them in thrift store finds and makes beaded faces. Unfortunately I did not get her name.
Here is my first pair of black jeans using the McPhee pant pattern that I hastily scribbled down. You can see one leg cut out and one ready to be cut out.
Nice fit.
I forgot to take a picture of the t shirt but I followed Linda's recommendations on this too and cut with the fold over the shoulder. And that may be where the name comes from. It does look like the letter T!
Here he is in his vest, and tie. I have never tied a tie in my life but remembered an episode of Six Feet Under where Claire was tying a tie for her brother and she said "The rabbit goes around the log and then he goes around again and dives into his rabbit hole." Worked for me...thanks Claire. Sorry about the picture quality.
The only name for our friend that has presented itself so far is Thurgoode but I cant quite get my head around it. I have renamed him Tristan. That to me sounds like the spanish word for sad, triste. So goodbye Thurgoode. Hello Tristan. Very odd but he is definitely Rose's great grand son.
And while rooting through my bits and bobs I found an eensy teensy skull meant to be an earring. I stuck it through his nose as a piercing to match his skull vest. I don't have a picture of it yet.
And just a head's up for Boomer. There is a gentleman at the Shady Grove who is showing a keen interest in Rose. He may make an appearance any day now to claim her as his own. And then again...he may not.
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